

Breakthrough! is a new advanced coaching program designed for executive & leadership coaches, consultants, and corporate managers ready to up their game, elevate their skills and achieve a more consistent, powerful impact as a professional.




To be truly effective, leaders need certain qualities. The most essential is: executive presence. Executive Presence is defined as: “The ability to connect with others in a way that generates trust, credibility and positive influence.” It is the confidence that empowers a leader to be internally calm and connected with others, especially during high-level encounters, intimidating exchanges, or aggressive confrontations.




The University of Rochester’s Warner Center and Ramerman Leadership Group combine expertise to offer a unique, specialized university-level executive management development opportunity that leads to a local certification: The Leadership Coaching Certificate Program. We provide powerful learning experiences for leaders and coaches, with a principal focus on strengthening leadership practices designed to increase performance and to transform the work environment and culture.