Executive Presence Series

To be truly effective, leaders need certain qualities. The most essential is: Executive Presence.

Executive Presence is defined as: “The ability to connect with others in a way that generates trust, credibility and positive influence.” It is the confidence that empowers a leader to be internally calm and connected with others, especially during high-level encounters, intimidating exchanges, or aggressive confrontations.

The Executive Presence Series offers a process to build deep internal confidence and a connected presence that will enhance every relationship in your life.

Build Confidence From The Inside Out.

You will learn how to generate executive presence in a powerful way unique to who you are as a person. We will use a combination of methodologies for this life-changing process: concise presentations of theory, relevant books, videos & articles by best leadership authors, skills practice, ongoing supportive feedback from co-learners and facilitators, and individual coaching by experienced and certified leadership coaches.

The Executive Presence Series is designed to ensure deep and lasting change, for theory to become practice and learners to become confident leaders with strong Executive Presence.



The Details

  • 6 Individual Coaching Sessions

  • 8 Group Sessions