Our Work

Getting Started

Leadership and business journeys prosper from quality mapping and direction. Our early conversations outline and calibrate your/the team’s vision and development needs. A simple, flexible process unfolds:

  • Set expectations (scope, goals, the assignment)

  • Acquire information (situational facts)

  • Analyze gaps (define and dimension the delta)

  • Implementation (real-time consultation & coaching)

  • Measure & improve (situations in flux, new needs)

  • Ongoing execution (organizational alignment and follow-through)

Breakthroughs arise from changes in perception, particularly self-awareness and perspective. One of our jobs at RLG is to hold up a reality mirror. This promotes insights for new options and pathways and fresh mechanisms.



Let us explore using skillful questions and dialogue to fuel understanding:

What are the organization’s leadership goals and what will it look like?  

  • Where do you want/need to arrive?  

  • Why aren’t you getting there fast enough?  

  • What does the company/team/leadership need to do better?  (Specifically, who needs to do specifically what better?)

  • What is the level of emotional intelligence of your team? 


Our expertise

Click to learn more



Assessments and Instruments

Assessments and Instruments

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Coaching vs. Consulting

Coaching vs. Consulting

Strategic Thinking and Planning

Strategic Thinking and Planning

Team Development

Team Development

High Potential Leadership Programs

High Potential Leadership Programs

Total Organization Transformation

Total Organization Transformation


Ramerman Leadership Group brings you rock-solid commitments:

  • We will bring our best thinking, consulting skills, preparation, and encouraging presence to every meeting.

  • We will communicate effectively during the journey.

  • We will display the courage to respectfully challenge you in pursuit of your/your organization’s self-defined leadership development goals.

  • We will help you and your people sustain the difficult work of change required to achieve higher performance.

  • You, your team, and your organization will see significant breakthrough results for your investment.

OUR Clients


Every year even the best-run NFPs are asked to do more with less.  It is a mighty struggle to expand donations, recruit great board members, attract and retain key staff, and build vital community relationships.  Time is as tight as money, especially at the top.  So—how do you grow?  How do you improve?  How does your organization marshal and deliver more of its promise to the world?

Ramerman Leadership Group helps not-for-profit CEOs and teams to perceive and think in new ways to maximize potential and performance in leadership, operational excellence, innovation, and culture development. We help build your team’s leadership skills while you craft exciting high-impact breakthrough strategies. Processes improve, capacity grows, more gets accomplished, and almost everyone we work with reports having more fun at work and gaining more satisfaction. Managers are hungry for this kind of training. Not only does it build real results, but it also fortifies loyalty and helps you motivate and retain key personnel.



Business is tough. Competition is growing. Technological change breeds lean, disruptive competition. Pain causes pressure and stress. Companies are either trending upwards in quality and performance or downward. There is no such thing as holding your own or treading water. You are getting better, or worse. Which is it? Does your company have what you need for breakthrough results? Do you employ a winning strategy and structure? Extraordinary leaders and teams? Operational excellence? Sufficient innovation? Are you maximizing existing potential? Are your key people growing professionally? Are meetings crisp and effective? (Or like many companies do you rehash the same old agenda ad nauseam?) Do your people listen well and hear what is not being said? Are you grinding on a very boring nail? Ramerman Leadership Group’s consultant/coaches team with CEOs and C-Suite leaders to drive significant change and results through the individual manager and team growth and reinvigorated business strategy, innovation, and higher levels of operational excellence. Paul Hudson is particularly adept at guiding the innovation and introduction/restaging of brands, products, and services, given 30 years of marketing consulting at high organizational levels with national and global clients like Citibank, MasterCard, and Xerox. (One of Paul’s ideas gained Citibank more than $2 billion in new bookings and 27% market share growth in 18 months.) Check us out. Call us in. See how we help even larger enterprises think more effectively, manage more efficiently, leverage their best, and sustain positive change. Oh, yeah. And have more fun and gain more job and career satisfaction and rewards.